Publicity Without The Price Tag, It’s Just a Matter Of Spreading The Word

Can you get people talking about your business and your products without actually paying a fortune for publicity? Yes, you can. Here are some tried and tested ways to get the publicity you want – for free. Word-of-mouth publicity Word-of-mouth is an exciting possibility. This is an unpaid form of publicity in which satisfied customers […]

How to be a successful freelancer?

As a freelancer, you can view the world as a series of opportunities. On the plus side is a lot of freedom to plan your day but it also requires discipline. You are your own boss and you need to be good at making the right rules to succeed. The first thing you need to […]

Do You Have ‘Marketing Myopia’?

In 1960, a game-changing article appeared in Harvard Business Review entitled ‘Marketing Myopia’. More than half-a-century later, what the author Theodore Levitt said is as relevant as ever. He called, very simply, for marketing people to see their businesses through a new pair of glasses. He asked them to shed the myopia of looking inward […]