Pitching your idea to investors …. in 30 minutes or less

              You have a great business idea. Very soon it will become clear to you that to turn that idea into concrete reality will mean raising capital. You will need to sell the idea to investors. And usually you get a window of 30 minutes or less to make your pitch. […]

Do What others Call Magic @Work

We are responsible for our actions, for what we do, for our work, and others are responsible for their response to it. (That’s why they call it responsibility.) Though we know we can’t control others, we still snare ourselves in worry trap: What will they think? Will they like it? What will they say? Worse […]

The Future Workplace?

Continue reading from… Is there a better way to work? Here are the some of the guidelines of ROWE (Results-Only-Work Environment) that are designed for people to get them thinking of how they could actually perform efficiently and effectively. Employees at all levels stop doing any work that is a waste of their time, the […]

Is there a better way to work?

The whole 40 hours/week thing originated from the Fair Labour Standards Act of 1938 and was conceptualized to end the child labour practice and also establish the minimum wage. This has been used as the standard for efficiency, competency and effectiveness. But in this information & service economy, is this good enough measurement of a […]