Convert Meetings into Deals with an Impressive Office

Creating and leaving a best first impression is one of the most dreaded tasks in personal or professional lives. All it takes is just a quick glance, not lasting 3-4 seconds, for someone to judge you when you are meeting for the first time. In just 3-4 seconds, the other person develops an opinion about […]

How conference rooms can play multiple roles

Most companies need a conference or meeting room. The question is, should a conference room be only for conferences? That would be limiting its usage, which is why we often see conference rooms being left empty for a long time, taking up precious space. But a conference room can play multiple roles. DBS business centers […]

Virtual Office solutions – what start-ups need to get started

How do start-ups get started? A survey shows that what most start-ups need is an office from which to start work from day one. With constraints on capital, they cannot buy or rent office space, specially in a good business location. What many end up doing is working from home or going across to a coffee shop or […]


Many offices utilize precious office space for meeting and conference rooms only to discover that they don’t require them as much as they thought. Like guest rooms in a home, they are under-utilized but still need to be maintained and cared for. If you identify with this scenario, you may need to make a hard decision: rent […]


Choosing a location for your business generally has three main considerations – proximity to customers, suppliers and employees. Other issues are easy transport and parking facilities,proximity to competitors and affiliated businesses which could impact your business.             Depending on the nature of the business, you need a location with ready access […]

Good Conference Rooms – On The Agenda For Success In Business

There is a little-explored idea that can give your business a competitive edge. And that is, making sure you have access to good conference venues.  Meeting for business around a conference table is professional and a great image-booster.  These days a video or Powerpoint presentation is essential to communicate what your business is about and […]

The smart way to get on the fast track to growth

Many business people are quick to generate ideas but slow to turn them into reality. How can you accelerate the process of scaling up without overloading your team? Here are some tried-and-tested ways: Small is beautiful There are many benefits of running a small, tight ship.  It enables you to be more flexible and agile […]

The wonder of video conferencing

Imagine three or more participants in a conference room. Only,they are not in the same conference room. They are in a virtual conference room and are able to communicate with each other as if they were sitting in the same room right next to each other. That’s the wonder of video conferencing and it has […]

The seven deadly sins of start-ups

It is a true but uncomfortable fact of business life that as many as four out of five start-ups end in failure. Why do start-ups fail?  Here are the seven deadly sins of start-ups. Make sure you don’t make the same mistakes. 1. Failure to develop products that meet a critical need. It’s one thing […]


In the film Erin Brokowich, there is a scene which resonates with most women who juggle careers and family lives – particularly those compelled by circumstances to do so. Julia Roberts’ character Erin, a single mother who had been unemployed and is now trying very hard to keep her job, is driving when she gets […]