How conference rooms can play multiple roles

Most companies need a conference or meeting room. The question is, should a conference room be only for conferences? That would be limiting its usage, which is why we often see conference rooms being left empty for a long time, taking up precious space. But a conference room can play multiple roles. DBS business centers […]

Rule of Five for Happier Customers

International Customer Week has just been celebrated in organizations across the world (and in DBS India as well), putting a hot focus on the key to success – the customer. Much has been said and written about customer satisfaction. In today’s highly competitive world, customer satisfaction should be taken for granted. What is really needed is customer delight. […]


Many offices utilize precious office space for meeting and conference rooms only to discover that they don’t require them as much as they thought. Like guest rooms in a home, they are under-utilized but still need to be maintained and cared for. If you identify with this scenario, you may need to make a hard decision: rent […]


  With so many products and services in the market, what usually makes the difference is the image you project for your business. An image is a cluster of impressions and perceptions, often hard to define but it does influence the way your clients or prospects think of your company and is an important deciding factor when it […]


Choosing a location for your business generally has three main considerations – proximity to customers, suppliers and employees. Other issues are easy transport and parking facilities,proximity to competitors and affiliated businesses which could impact your business.             Depending on the nature of the business, you need a location with ready access […]


Remember your first year as an entrepreneur? Or would you rather forget it? That was when you let yourself get wet behind the ears and learnt many lessons, mainly through trial and error. Ouch, some things still hurt!                 Here are some lessons all new entrepreneurs- can benefit from. They […]

Is Your Business Kinetic?

Kinetic: relating to or resulting from motion. A question most businesses need to ask themselves today is: how ‘kinetic’ is my business? The key word in the dictionary definition of ‘kinetic’ is ‘motion”. Is your business moving, adapting, constantly changing, to meet the needs of the times? Or is, as is often the case even with so-called modern […]

Sharing An Office Makes Good Business Sense

One of the first important decisions a start-up or small business needs to make is – where do we work from?  While a home office may seem like an attractive low – or no – cost option, there are several drawbacks, the main one being that it does not give a professional image. So you […]

Being Your Own Boss – And Loving It!

How does it feel to give yourself a pay cheque, a bonus, a promotion? When you are self-employed, you are the boss. What a feeling! But also remember what US President Harry Truman said, “The buck stops here.” The other side of self-employment is self-reliance. Being self-employed is primarily a way to earn an income. […]

Negotiation Is a Two-Way Street

J. Paul Getty, the legendary American industrialist and Founder of Getty Oil, always remembered what his father said: “You must never try to make all the money that’s in a deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you have a reputation for always making all the money, you won’t have many […]